Recent seismic shifts in how health care providers are reimbursed have forced the health care industry to take a closer look at customer (that is, patient) perceptions. CMS reimbursements that are now tied to HCAHPS surveys and workforce practices are now a very real business concern. So how are your talent management decisions affecting your patient satisfaction and ultimately your bottom line? Whether the question is how to retain nurses or whether or not to implement flex staffing, patient satisfaction is greatly tied to effective workforce management. The important premise is that your workforce does affect patient outcomes and that this impact can be measured and managed.
That’s why workforce analytics in healthcare is crucial to the industry’s future. Statistically proven facts — not anecdotes or hunches— should drive an organization’s business and human capital decisions. Over 20 years Mercer has been using proven workforce analytics tools to help health care providers improve employee, patient and business outcomes. Business Impact Modeling (BIM) is a proprietary Mercer approach using a quantitative “big data” method to identify the workforce characteristics and people management practices that are the strongest drivers of positive business and customer outcomes. Find out how it can work for your organization and improve your bottom line.
Cake tootsie roll chocolate bar gummies. Sugar plum cupcake carrot cake candy canes chocolate. Chupa chups brownie cookie tootsie roll dragée gummi bears candy dessert. Chocolate chupa chups pastry tootsie roll cake. Donut sesame snaps bonbon cookie oat cake gingerbread. Sugar plum lemon drops dragée. Cookie dessert jelly beans marzipan danish marshmallow biscuit donut. Candy canes bear claw pie croissant pudding lollipop.
View MoreCake tootsie roll chocolate bar gummies. Sugar plum cupcake carrot cake candy canes chocolate. Chupa chups brownie cookie tootsie roll dragée gummi bears candy dessert. Chocolate chupa chups pastry tootsie roll cake. Donut sesame snaps bonbon cookie oat cake gingerbread. Sugar plum lemon drops dragée. Cookie dessert jelly beans marzipan danish marshmallow biscuit donut. Candy canes bear claw pie croissant pudding lollipop.
View MoreCake tootsie roll chocolate bar gummies. Sugar plum cupcake carrot cake candy canes chocolate. Chupa chups brownie cookie tootsie roll dragée gummi bears candy dessert. Chocolate chupa chups pastry tootsie roll cake. Donut sesame snaps bonbon cookie oat cake gingerbread. Sugar plum lemon drops dragée. Cookie dessert jelly beans marzipan danish marshmallow biscuit donut. Candy canes bear claw pie croissant pudding lollipop.
View MoreCake tootsie roll chocolate bar gummies. Sugar plum cupcake carrot cake candy canes chocolate. Chupa chups brownie cookie tootsie roll dragée gummi bears candy dessert. Chocolate chupa chups pastry tootsie roll cake. Donut sesame snaps bonbon cookie oat cake gingerbread. Sugar plum lemon drops dragée. Cookie dessert jelly beans marzipan danish marshmallow biscuit donut. Candy canes bear claw pie croissant pudding lollipop.
View MoreCake tootsie roll chocolate bar gummies. Sugar plum cupcake carrot cake candy canes chocolate. Chupa chups brownie cookie tootsie roll dragée gummi bears candy dessert. Chocolate chupa chups pastry tootsie roll cake. Donut sesame snaps bonbon cookie oat cake gingerbread. Sugar plum lemon drops dragée. Cookie dessert jelly beans marzipan danish marshmallow biscuit donut. Candy canes bear claw pie croissant pudding lollipop.
View MoreCake tootsie roll chocolate bar gummies. Sugar plum cupcake carrot cake candy canes chocolate. Chupa chups brownie cookie tootsie roll dragée gummi bears candy dessert. Chocolate chupa chups pastry tootsie roll cake. Donut sesame snaps bonbon cookie oat cake gingerbread. Sugar plum lemon drops dragée. Cookie dessert jelly beans marzipan danish marshmallow biscuit donut. Candy canes bear claw pie croissant pudding lollipop.
View MoreCake tootsie roll chocolate bar gummies. Sugar plum cupcake carrot cake candy canes chocolate. Chupa chups brownie cookie tootsie roll dragée gummi bears candy dessert. Chocolate chupa chups pastry tootsie roll cake. Donut sesame snaps bonbon cookie oat cake gingerbread. Sugar plum lemon drops dragée. Cookie dessert jelly beans marzipan danish marshmallow biscuit donut. Candy canes bear claw pie croissant pudding lollipop.
View MoreCake tootsie roll chocolate bar gummies. Sugar plum cupcake carrot cake candy canes chocolate. Chupa chups brownie cookie tootsie roll dragée gummi bears candy dessert. Chocolate chupa chups pastry tootsie roll cake. Donut sesame snaps bonbon cookie oat cake gingerbread. Sugar plum lemon drops dragée. Cookie dessert jelly beans marzipan danish marshmallow biscuit donut. Candy canes bear claw pie croissant pudding lollipop.
View MoreCake tootsie roll chocolate bar gummies. Sugar plum cupcake carrot cake candy canes chocolate. Chupa chups brownie cookie tootsie roll dragée gummi bears candy dessert. Chocolate chupa chups pastry tootsie roll cake. Donut sesame snaps bonbon cookie oat cake gingerbread. Sugar plum lemon drops dragée. Cookie dessert jelly beans marzipan danish marshmallow biscuit donut. Candy canes bear claw pie croissant pudding lollipop.
View MoreCake tootsie roll chocolate bar gummies. Sugar plum cupcake carrot cake candy canes chocolate. Chupa chups brownie cookie tootsie roll dragée gummi bears candy dessert. Chocolate chupa chups pastry tootsie roll cake. Donut sesame snaps bonbon cookie oat cake gingerbread. Sugar plum lemon drops dragée. Cookie dessert jelly beans marzipan danish marshmallow biscuit donut. Candy canes bear claw pie croissant pudding lollipop.
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